Tuesday, May 25, 2010


hypoactive sexual desire disorder treatment for females-
Washington, May 24 (ANI): Good news for women who want to perk up the action in their bedroom-the Food and Drug Administration committee is thinking of endorsing the first pill designed to do for women what Viagra does for men-boost their sex lives. A German pharmaceutical giant wants to sell a drug with the decidedly unsexy name "flibanserin," which has shown prowess for sparking a woman's sexual desire by fiddling with her brain chemicals.
The FDA's Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee will meet on June 18 to consider the request. But the prospect of the drug's approval has already triggered debate over whether the medication, like others in the pipeline, represents a long-sought step toward equity for women's health or the latest example of the pharmaceutical industry fabricating a questionable disorder to sell unnecessary and potentially dangerous drugs. "Achieving a happy and healthy sex life can be a real and important problem for some women. But we have lots of questions about the 'pink Viagra,'" the Washington Post quoted Amy Allina of the National Women's Health Network, a Washington-based advocacy group, as saying. Viagra's catapult to blockbuster status after its 1998 approval set off a flurry of interest in me-too medications for women. However, drugmaker Pfizer's hopes that its "little blue pill" would also ignite female libido fizzled, making it clear that a woman's sexuality is more complicated than a man's. But, Germany's Boehringer Ingelheim is optimistic that flibanserin is on the verge of becoming the first prescription medication to tap what some have estimated could be a 2 billion dollar market in the United States alone. "We believe women deserve options and we're hoping flibanserin may represent a safe and effective option for many women," said Michael Sand, who heads the company's clinical research on flibanserin. Scientists found that flibanserin, developed as an antidepressant, was ineffective for treatment of depression. But the drug appeared to produce an unexpected side effect: boosting women's libido. This prompted the company to study it for hypoactive sexual desire disorder, or HSDD, an otherwise unexplained loss of sexual thoughts, fantasies and desire that can cause significant emotional distress. Some research suggests 10 percent of women may suffer from HSDD.


TREATMENT OF HOMOSEXUALITY, GAY, SAME SEX PROBLEM IN PUNESexual Identity: - Pattern of persons biological sexual character like chromosomes, External & internal genitalia, hormonal compositions, gonads & secondary sexual characteristics.
Gender Identity: - Individuals sense of maleness or femaleness. Like, I am boy / girl.
Sexual Orientation :- Object of a person’s sexual impulses. Ex Homosexual, Heterosexual, Bisexual.
Homosexuality is considered normal in many developed countries. In some countries it is legalize also. Same sex relationship (GAY/ LESBIAN) was involved in International Classification of Diseases (ICD) but it was removed from both ICD-10 & DSM-IV.
Causes of homosexuality are many – it may be normal , it may be part of bisexual relationship, it may be due to psychological problems, it may be due to some life events mainly related to childhood, it may be due to hormonal problems, it may be due to psychiatric disorders, and other so many etiological theories (proved / unproved) …
In India due to social restrains, parental expectations, stigma related to homosexuality, legal problems client having this problem do not get diagnosed adequately or do no communicate. Clients in India are afraid about same so do not take proper advice regarding sex education, treatment, HIV risk involved, Depression and so many problems related to homosexuality. In these risks of abuse, HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted disease, loss of job or relationship problems, Depression, suicide, stress, social withdrawal, Alcohol and other are common. They need counselor or doctor who will understand them, support them, help them to come out of their problems, treatment when required, and educate them regarding risk involved. It also required to introduce them with groups having same problems to support them (Group therapy).
Out-come of treatment / prognosis of change in sexual orientation:- Good if age is less than 35 years, some heterosexual arousal, high motivation for reorientation.


STUDY BY SEXOLOGIST DOCTOR ON SIZE OF / SMALL SIZE PENIS IN PUNEStudy conducted by Dr S Deshmukh MBBS, MD Sexologist practicing in Deccan area of Pune in 2007 -2008 in his clinic for treatment of sexual disorder and sex problems. There were so many questions so start this study as -1) What is normal size of Indian male penis? 2) What are the factors or causes responsible for small size? 3) What can be done? Is there any practicable treatment options available? 4) What are methods used in India & Abroad? 5) What is ideal age to start treatment? 6) What are side effects? 7) How much improvement can be achieved? 8) Dose size matters for females?
Results of this study
NORMAL SIZE OF PENIS :- As per International norms average size of normal penis is around 4 inches ( 7 – 11 cm) when flaccid ( non erect) and 6 inches ( 14 – 18 cm) when erect. Flaccid penis dimension bears little relation with erect dimension that means small flaccid penis can increase significantly in length when erect but long looking flaccid penis may not increase in that proportion. As per studies most of normal size males also wrongly perceive their size smaller and feel inferior. SIZE DOSENT MATTER WHAT MATTER IS METHOD AND PERFORMANCE. Treatment for small size penis is complicated with less promising results.

CIRCUMCISION :- Is a procedure in which prepuce ( fore skin) over glance is surgically removed. It is commonly practiced as religious procedure but also indicated in conditions like Phymosis / para-phymosis which may cause pain while intercourse. Circumcision dose not have any effect on normal sexual life if performed correctly. Its myth/wrong that it reduces ejaculatory time or can lead to hyper sensitivity or irritation, in fact it helps in reducing chances of infection / cancer.

EJACULATION:- Forceful propulsion of semen and seminal fluid during orgasm. Ones prostate contract ejaculation is inevitable. Normal volume of ejaculation is 2.5ml, which contains around 120 millions sperms. Only one healthy sperm is required for pregnancy. It is said that larger the ejaculatory volume more is the orgasmic pleasure.

Brain normal response which controls normal sexual activity:-
Sexual excitement:- Brain areas required to function normally:- Orbito- frontal cortex of brain related to emotions, Left anterior Cingulate cortex of brain related to hormonal balance, Caudate nucleus, limbic system, brain stem plays important role in sexual behaviour and excitement and orgasm. Excitement of Nucleus Paragigantocellularis in brain stem stimulate pelvic Lumbosacral spinalcord with release of Serotonin, which can inhibit ejaculation. So hyper activity of same pathway is responsible for patient of delayed ejaculation and hypo activity leads to Premature- ejaculation. Neurotransmitters responsible for sexual activities are - Dopamine (Desire / libido), Serotonin ( Inhibit orgasm & reduce desire), Oxytocin ( released with orgasm). Drugs related to these neurotransmitters can improve or deteriorate sexual function.

Sexual Identity: - Pattern of persons biological sexual character like chromosomes, External & internal genitalia, hormonal compositions, gonads & secondary sexual characteristics.
Gender Identity: - Individuals sense of maleness or femaleness. Like, I am boy / girl.

Sexual Orientation :- Object of a person’s sexual impulses. Ex Homosexual, Heterosexual, Bisexual.
Out-come of treatment / prognosis of change in sexual orientation:- Good if age is less than 35 years, some heterosexual arousal, high motivation for reorientation.

Research by Kinsey – nearly all men and three fourth of women masturbate sometime during their lives.
Both man or women who, as children had been sexually abused by an adult are more likely, as adult to have had more number sexual partner, decrease desire in sex, homo/ bi-sexual identification, unhappy, depressed.
Resolution of orgasm can give feeling of well-being and relaxation. If orgasm remains incomplete specially in female can lead to – irritability, discomfort, frustration, relation problem with husband, headache, depression, pain/ iching in sexual organ, fatigue.

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder:- Due to other sexual dysfunction like premature ejaculation / erectile dysfunction, unattractive partner, decrease testosterone, decrease dopamine, fear about sex, stress, anxiety, depression. Relation problems between couple and abstinence from sex for long period can also decrease desire for sexual activity.
Sexual aversion disorder: - can be due to rape, abuse, pain / trauma, shame or guilt related to sexual activity. Sexual arousal disorder can be due to hormonal problem or other medicinal use.

Delayed ejaculation:- can be due to drugs like anti-hypertensive, anti-depressant, Methyl-Dopa, hyperglycemia, alcohol, relation problems, phobia/ unable to focus.